Twenty years ago, as most of my friends prepared for graduation and the
next steps in their lives, I was a college drop-out - flunk-out really. I was making
barely over minimum wage and working two jobs, sometimes three, to pay bills. There
were a good many reasons that I found myself in the predicament that I was in
at the time, rather than fitting myself for a cap and gown, but none of them
were external. In the intervening time period, a lot of things have changed.
Which is why when I hear Bernie Sanders talk about the disappearing middle
class, I just have to shake my head.
Bernie is looking at a number in isolation and saying ‘there are less
people in this group than there were 30 years ago’. And his followers eat it
up, because they want someone to blame for the malaise that affects them:
college debt, poor job prospects, flat-lining wages. All of these things are
because of the 1% on Wall Street, Bernie will tell you. They hold all that wealth! But wait just a second…
If those people aren’t middle class anymore, exactly where did they go?